Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Most Pathetic Fact in Maths

  1. If you multiply 1089 x 9 you get 9801. It's reversed itself! This also works with 10989 or 109989 or 1099989 and so on.
  2. 1 is the only positive whole number that you can add to 1,000,000 and you get an answer that's bigger than if you multiply it by 1,000,000
  3. 19 = 1 x 9 + 1 + 9 and 29 = 2 x 9 + 2 + 9. This also works for 39,49,59,69,79,89 and 99.
  4. If you divide any square number by 8 you get a remainder of 0, 1 or 4.
  5. 2 is the only number that gives the same result added to itself as it does times by itself
  6. If you multiply 21978 by 4 it turns backwards
  7. There are 12,988,816 different ways to cover a chess board with 32 dominoes.
  8. Sixty nine squared = 692 = 4761 and sixty nine cubed = 693 = 328509. These two answers use all the digits from 0 to 9 between them.
  9. You can chop a big lump of cheese into a maximum of 93 bits with 8 straight cuts
  10. In the English language "forty" is the only number that has all its letters in alphabetical order.
  11. 1 ÷ 37 = 0·027027027... and 1 ÷ 27 = 0·037037037...
  12. 1/1089 = 0·00091827364554637281... (And the numbers in the 9 times table are 9,18,27,36...)
  13. 8 is the only cube that is 1 less than a square.
  14. To multiply 10,112,359,550,561,797,752,808,988,764,044,943,820,224,719 by 9 you just move the 9 at the very end up to the front. It's the only number that does this. (Thank goodness!)
  15. The number FOUR is the only number in the English language that is spelt with the same number of letters as the number itself
  16. 1x9 +2 = 11 , 12x9 +3 = 111 , 123x9+4 = 1111 and so on.